15 Adar II, 5774 (3/17/14) – Sukkah#42 {Eliezer}

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Abaye [42a top]: To not fulfill the Mitzvah of lulav right away, hold it upside down when carrying.
Tosephos [Amar Abaye]: This is a proof that Mitzvos do not need intention when performed to fulfill your obligation. Otherwise, Abaye could have just said not to have in mind to fulfill the Mitzvah (and you would not need to carry it upside down).
Radvaz: The general rule is: By Biblical Mitzvos we require intention to fulfill an obligation, by Rabbinic Mitzvos, one can still fulfill them even without having had proper intention.

E’s lesson: It is always best to be fully aware at all times what we are doing. Let our minds and souls direct our actions; lest we be, G-d forbid, strayed by our hearts. The Torah teaches us to have proper Kavanah (intention) especially when doing Mitzvos (so we do not get lost in the mechanics). This lesson, like everything from the Torah, should be applied throughout our lives and in every action that we perform.