14 Adar II, 5774 (3/16/14) – Sukkah#41 {Eliezer}

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R’ Yochanan (Mishna 41a): The reason we shake a lulav for 7 days is because Hashem wants us to “seek out” Tzion (quoted from Yermiyahu). This is called a Zacher’Lamikdash [remembrance for the Temple (another example is leaving a spot of your house unpainted)].
In GM’ Baba Basra however, it says the source for Z’L is “Im Eskachaich Yerushalayim” (If I shall forget Jerusalem…)
The Brisker Rav explains that there are TWO types of Remembrance; mourning (past focused) vs excitement (looking forward). We shake a lulav to recognize we will once again do so when we get the Temple rebuilt (speedily in our days) versus leaving a spot of a house unpainted which signifies we are still in a state of mourning; incomplete happiness.

E’s Lesson: The Rabbis teach us how both remembering and excitement must both play key roles constantly in our lives. We must never forget and learn from past, but this must not stop us from being hopeful and looking forward to a brilliant future filled with joy and redemption.