13 Adar II, 5774 (3/15/14) – Sukkah#40 {Eliezer}

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Klay Ya’kor: – Our Gemarah talks about not eating the fruit of our trees for the first three years (Urla). Why three? Because the grass and the trees were created on day three. The sun (which made it grow and produce) was created on day four. Therefore, we wait until the fourth year to partake of fruits to recognize Hashem’s constant order of creation.

R’ Sorotzkin (in Aznayim LaTorah): Adam did not wait (had a lack of patience) and jumped to eat from the Tree, so we try to “fix” Adam’s sin by showing Hashem that we can wait and stay away for three years.

E’s Lesson: The rule of Urla teaches us that Hashem is in total control and we must have patience. Whatever happens throughout our own lives, we must understand that G-d does everything for the best. Even if we think it would be better for us to get something good faster, Hashem teaches us otherwise. Be calm, and remain patient, because He ultimately has the best plan in mind for us at the proper most opportune time.