15 Adar II, 5774 (3/17/14) – Sukkah#42 {Tani}
Baraisa [42a bottom]: A minor should do mitzvos at the age of chinuch (when one understands how to do them, some say at age 9). Two examples include shaking a lulav, and putting on tzitzis.
T’s Lesson: It is vitally important to train our children from a young age in the understanding and importance of mitzvos. It is never too young to train a child. In fact, a couple who was expecting a child once asked their Rabbi, “At what age should we start teaching him about mitzvos?” The rabbi answered, “From when you got married!” This depicts the importance of training about the Torah and its commandments. A youth may be able at a very young age to start doing some mitzvos, even before the required age of chinuch.