שבת Date: 2 Adar II, 5776 (3/12/16) – Gittin Daf 90 {Tani}
FALLING FLIES [90a bottom] Gemarah: Some people spill out cups of wine when flies fall into them, others will remove the flies …
FALLING FLIES [90a bottom] Gemarah: Some people spill out cups of wine when flies fall into them, others will remove the flies …
RISKY RUMORS [89b middle] R’ Ashi: Any rumor that has not been established by a Beis Din (court) is not a “recognized …
FORGIVING FURY [88a middle] R’ Yehoshua ben Levi: The land of Israel was not destroyed until seven royal courts performed idolatry in …
EFFECTIVE EPITHETS [87b bottom] Gemarah: If one wrote the husband’s surname and the wife’s surname (or other nicknames) in a Get, the …
LOUSY LIQUIDS [86b bottom] R’ Yochanan to the sons of R’ Chalafta from Huna: If a Kartzis (insect) was found in sheaves, …
MISCONSTRUED MESSAGES [85b bottom] Gemarah: One must be extremely careful when writing a Get, so as to make sure the reading and …
PRICKLY PRODS [84a middle] Gemarah: If a man made a vow/condition to keep himself awake all day, he may indeed fulfill it …
EXTENDED EXPRESSIONS [83b bottom] R’ Elazar learned a law from the fact that the torah uses the longer word of “כריתות ” …
ATTEMPTING ANSWERS [82b middle] R’ Abba inquired a question, but then resolved his own query after asking. Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always …
ADVANCED ANCIENTS [81a middle] Rabbah bar Bar-Chanah quoting R’ Yochanan quoting R’ Yehudah bar Ilai: The later generations are nothing like the …