יום ה Date: 23 Adar I, 5776 (3/3/16) – Gittin Daf 81 {Tani}

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[81a middle] Rabbah bar Bar-Chanah quoting R’ Yochanan quoting R’ Yehudah bar Ilai: The later generations are nothing like the earlier generations used to be (as the levels of piety have declined) [earlier generations (like Beis Shammai) were zealous in guarding the purity of the Jewish family against any taint of a forbidden union, while those of later ones (like R’ Dosa) were not as stringent].

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always try to emulate and look up to earlier generations. They are much greater than we are (as we are further distanced from Har Sinai as well as many Torah sources). It is important to respect our elders and carry on the traditions and teachings from those who preceded us.