יום ו Date: 1 Adar II, 5776 (3/11/16) – Gittin Daf 89 {Tani}
[89b middle] R’ Ashi: Any rumor that has not been established by a Beis Din (court) is not a “recognized rumor” (and would be disregarded, unless the identities of those who originated it were determined and/or there is adequate evidence to established its seriousness) [and if witnesses testify the rumor is false, all agree the rumor is then completely negated].
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should be very careful not to hear nor listen to rumors. They could contain very dangerous and harmful information and should be treated as ‘hazardous materials.’ We should be extra cautious never to accept rumors and always look out for the betterment of our brethren.