שבת Date: 2 Adar II, 5776 (3/12/16) – Gittin Daf 90 {Tani}
[90a bottom] Gemarah: Some people spill out cups of wine when flies fall into them, others will remove the flies and drink them, and few will enjoy the wine even with the flies still in them [these relate to various ways that men do or do not mind their wives acting modestly or flirtatiously in public (people should not be overly involved with the opposite sex, but should not be too closed off and feel stifled in isolation either)].
Prac-T-cal Tidbits#1: We should always look for balanced middle roads to walk on in our lives. It is far too dangerous to be at ends of spectrums and we should always look to grow in ways that are healthy and maintainable for the long hall.
[90b middle] R’ Elazar: Whenever any man divorces his first wife, the Temple Altar sheds tears on his behalf.
Prac-T-cal Tidbits#2: We should always work extra hard to put in real effort to make our marriages wonderful. Not only for our sakes or for our children’s’ sakes, but also to ensure that Holy happiness is brought to Hashem. We should never make others be unhappy or cry due to our actions (or lack thereof). We should only continue to bring euphoria to the world and only witness tears of joy.