יום ו Date: 20 Elul, 5776 (9/23/16) – Bava Kama Daf 115 {Tani}
BROKEN BARRELS [115b bottom] Braisa: If a man has ten barrels of Tamei Tevel (impure untithed produce) and he noticed one of …
BROKEN BARRELS [115b bottom] Braisa: If a man has ten barrels of Tamei Tevel (impure untithed produce) and he noticed one of …
BUZZING BEES [114b bottom] Gemarah: A swarm of bees cannot Biblically be viewed as belonging to any specific individual (because they usually …
LAND LAWS [113a middle] Gemarah: ‘Dina d’malchusa Dina’ is usually interpreted to mean that we have to be law abiding citizens [of …
HIJACKING HOUSES [112b middle] R’ Yirmiyah’s father-in-law’s son (who was a minor) closed the door in the face of R’ Yirmiyah (claiming …
RESOURCE RECTIFICATIONS [111a top] Braisa: If one stole and admitted to it, one is obligated to pay back the missing money before …
DOLLAR DAYS [110b top] Rava: One only fulfills his Mitzvah of returning stolen money if each and every Kohen (of the current …
PURE POSSESSIONS [109b bottom] Gemarah: and If a Kohen redeems a field (that would normally go to the Kohanim at Yovel) for …
COMPLICATED CASES [108a bottom] Gemarah: Even when dealing with complicated cases, we still try to be lenient for an owner and the …
DEFECTIVE DECLARATIONS [107b middle] R’ Chiya bar Yoseph: If someone swears falsely that a deposited object was lost, which he was watching …
PERFECTLY PLACED [106a bottom] Gemarah discusses many cases and possibilities pertaining to items that get “lost” or go missing. Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We …