יום א Date: 15 Elul, 5776 (9/18/16) – Bava Kama Daf 110 {Tani}
[110b top] Rava: One only fulfills his Mitzvah of returning stolen money if each and every Kohen (of the current Mishmar) would get a full Perutah (Rambam: a minimally significant amount).
R’ Aryeh Lebowitz: Children giving only a penny to Tzedakah every day (less than a Perutah amount) is still a wonderful practice. Since, even if it does not count for a “receiving” element of Tzedakah, it does count for the act of “giving.” Rambam: It is better to give one dollar a day for a hundred days, than to give 100 dollars in one day. This is because the repetitive giving transforms the individual into becoming a defined/habitual “giver.”
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Even if we do not have a lot of money, we should try to give a little bit every day. It is important for us to help shape and re-define our characters into the types of people we want to become. When we get used to continuous giving, Hashem may finally bless us with more means (because now we know what to do with it), and we will be able to give even more money (each and every day).