שבת Date: 19 Nissan, 5774 (4/19/14) – Beitzah#20 {Tani}
Argumentation [20a bottom] Gemarah: Hillel the elder brought an Olah sacrifice on the Mizbeach (altar) on YomTov. Shammai the elder held it …
Argumentation [20a bottom] Gemarah: Hillel the elder brought an Olah sacrifice on the Mizbeach (altar) on YomTov. Shammai the elder held it …
FirstComes [20b middle] Bais Hillel: If on Shabbos (when cooking is prohibited) one can offer sacrifices to Hashem, then certainly on YomTov …
RUSH! [19b bottom] Abaye: According to one opinion, a person is held liable if he does not bring his required Korban (sacrifice). …
TooMuch [19] Rabbi Elazar ben Rabbi Shimon: The Torah mentions the festival of Sukkos to teach the prohibition of Baal Teacheir. If one …
Judge Not [18b top] Gemarah: Normally, one would immerse in clean water, but in the heat one might even use dirty water …
Purifications Gemarah [18]: A vessel that became Tamei (impure) prior to YomTov may not be immersed on the holiday, whereas a vessel …
Leftovers Rabbis [17a bottom]: One may not make food on YomTov for the next day, rather one should cook only food needed …
Justifications Rashi: The Rabbis allowed food cooked by a deliberate prohibitor on YomTov but not by means of a subterfuge. A willful …
More SOUL [16a middle] Reish Lakish: A Neshama Yeseira (extra soul) is given to a person on Shabbos. Rashi: This “soul” is …
For the DAY [16a top] Shammai the Elder: would eat in honor of Shabbos everyday. If he found a great food during …