יום ד Date: 16 Nissan, 5774 (4/16/14) – Beitzah#17 {Tani}

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Rabbis [17a bottom]: One may not make food on YomTov for the next day, rather one should cook only food needed for that day. Leftovers may be used for the next day. One may fill up a pot with meat or an oven with bread as long as the Melachah (creative act) of cooking is done together, or if it tastes better being made as bigger amounts.

T’s lesson: We should not go overboard in what food is necessary to prepare for the meal for YomTov or Shabbos. Hashem will repay us back for what we spend, but “achilahs gasah” (overindulgent eating) is against the idea of the holiday. We should make sure to have enough for our needs but not be wasteful with “baal tashchis” (the sin to throw away unnecessary extra food).