יום ה Date: 19 Kislev, 5774 (12/11/14) – Yevamos#68 {Tani}
“LETTER” OF THE LAW [68b middle] R’ Akiva is known to expound superfluous “vavs” that are attached to letters. Prac-T-cal Tidbits: There …
“LETTER” OF THE LAW [68b middle] R’ Akiva is known to expound superfluous “vavs” that are attached to letters. Prac-T-cal Tidbits: There …
DANGEROUS HOUSES [67b bottom] Mishna: If a house falls on both a man and his niece to whom he was married and …
TEMPORARY SETBACKS [66a middle] Gemarah: Uncircumcised or Tamei (impure) Kohanim they may not eat Terumah (Kohanic food), yet they entitle others to …
GREAT PEACE [65b bottom] R’ Yishmael’s academy: Peace is so great that even Hashem altered the truth for the sake of peace …
BEING CAREFUL [64b bottom] Abaye married a woman who previously buried two husbands [he does not hold that only two occurrences establish …
TORAH MARRIAGE [63b bottom] Ben Azzai: One who abstains from procreation is like one who spills blood and diminishes the Divine Image …
RESPECT ALL [62b bottom] R’ Akiva had 12 thousand pairs of disciples extending from Geva until Antiparis and they all died during …
FRUITFUL MULTIPLICATION [61b bottom] Mishna: To complete the Mitzvah of Peru Urivu (being fruitful and multiplying), Beis Shammai: A man needs to …
ACCOUNTS PAYABLE [60b bottom] Gemarah: In the Midbar (desert), when the Midianite women enticed the Jews to sin, the women were judged …
PURIFIED CALLING [59a middle] Mishna: A Kohen Gadol (high priest) may not marry a widow from Erusin or Nisuin (engagement or marriage) …