שבת Date: 14 Kislev, 5774 (12/6/14) – Yevamos#63 {Tani}
[63b bottom] Ben Azzai: One who abstains from procreation is like one who spills blood and diminishes the Divine Image [however, Ben Azzai himself never married because he said that his soul embraces the Torah (he is “married to the Torah”) while others will continue the world’s continuation].
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Many frum (religious) people [even those married] may look for excuses why not to have children. “I’m not ready… we can’t afford it… its too hard… I won’t be good…” There is severe rebuke and punishment for those who chose not to have children (and only someone like a Ben Azzai, who was an extreme example of Holiness, could dare risk this violation of a commandment). Even the poorest couples have progeny and each child born is a pure Mitzvah. We must never get sucked into modern culture and its ideals and remember to have as many children as Hashem blesses us with.