יום ו Date: 10 Elul, 5774 (9/5/14) – MoedKatan#25 {Tani}
Surfaces for Holiness [25a middle] R’ Tachlifa: R’ Huna once wanted to sit on a bed that had a Torah on it, but …
Surfaces for Holiness [25a middle] R’ Tachlifa: R’ Huna once wanted to sit on a bed that had a Torah on it, but …
LIVELY LETTERS [25a top] R’ Shimon son of Elazar: If a person is in the room when someone passes away, the individual …
Whose NAME is it Anyway? [24b bottom] R’ Ami (in Israel) and R’ Sheishess (in Bavel) were upset when a sage in …
INSIDE OUT [24a top] Gemarah: A man was inappropriate in private during his mourning period and was subsequently killed by pigs as …
Caring for the Deceased [23a middle] The Rabbis: A mourner the first week – does not go out of the door of …
DRESS to IMPRESS [23a bottom] Rava, while in mourning, once went outside wearing a new Red Roman shirt [he holds in accordance …
For the Great Sages [22b bottom] Gemarah: When a wise person passes away, his Beis Medrash (study hall) stops learning in his …
Body for Soul [22a bottom] Gemarah: By most cases we try to bury the deceased as quickly as possible. Rashi: This speed …
Just a Little Late [21b middle] R’ Meir: One who meets his friend and offers him condolences after 12 months is like …
Missing the Boat [21b middle] R’ Meir: It is extremely important not to upset someone [like by offering condolences after a mourning period …