יום ה Date: 9 Elul, 5774 (9/4/14) – MoedKatan#24 {Tani}
Whose NAME is it Anyway?
[24b bottom] R’ Ami (in Israel) and R’ Sheishess (in Bavel) were upset when a sage in each place announced a ruling (seemingly in his own name) without crediting who the ruling really belonged to. [The following is the ruling that was made by R’ Elazar quoting R’ Oshaya: If one day of mourning is observed before Shavuous the holiday passes, it is as if 14 days mourning of Shloshim (the 30-day mourning period) have passed because the holiday cancels the rest of Shivah while Shavuous is considered like a week of mourning.]
T’s Lesson: Why were the the Rabbis so upset when they heard the rulings mentioned without proper credit? We have already learned (Megillah Daf#15a) that if one repeats a teaching in the name of the one who taught it, the individual brings redemption to the world (and this improper taking of credit behavior was causing redemption to be pushed away). We should always remember to repeat what we learn in the names of those who taught it to us.