יום ד Date: 8 Elul, 5774 (9/3/14) – MoedKatan#23 {Tani}
Caring for the Deceased
[23a middle] The Rabbis: A mourner the first week – does not go out of the door of his house, the second week – may go to Synagogue but sits in a different seat, the third week – sits in his regular spot but does not speak, and by the fourth week – he is like any other person. R’ Yehudah: same laws as the Rabbis, but everything is pushed forward by one week [because during the first Shiva week the mourner is being consoled by everyone entering his house and these practices would not start until after the first 7-day period ends].
T’s Lesson: We learn some mannerisms here in how we are supposed to react to caring for the deceased’s relative. A person can not go about his daily routine as it used to be, as one needs to realize life has now been altered from the regular routine. The Rabbis detail in a way in which time and mourning practices can allow the mourner a graduated, step by step process. We should always be sensitive and caring for those who lost loved ones and help them as they cope and re-enter the public world.