יום ג Date: 6 Iyar, 5774 (5/6/14) – Beitzah#37 {Tani}
Open DOOR Policy [37b bottom] Mishna: If a corpse is in a house where all the doors are closed (and it has …
Open DOOR Policy [37b bottom] Mishna: If a corpse is in a house where all the doors are closed (and it has …
ACHDUS [37b middle] Gemarah: A and B together borrow one object from C. A makes the center of his Eruv 2,000 amos …
PERMISSIBILITY [36b bottom] Mishna: One may not do things related to shi’vus (a non-mitzvah related action), reshus (acts that have elements of …
PREOCCUPATIONS [36a top] Shmuel: One may not completely remove all a storage area’s boxes because if the dirt floor then becomes revealed, …
BOXES [35b bottom] R Zeira quoting R Assi (some say R’ Assi in R’ Yochanan’s name): One may clear away up to four …
LENIENCIES [35b bottom] R Zeira quoting R Assi (some say R’ Assi in R’ Yochanan’s name): One may clear away up to four …
The GIFT [34b middle] The Gemarah brings down a Pasuk that says, “you shall proclaim the Shabbos a pleasure,” to prove that …
BEGINNERS [34a top] Rabbah bar Bar Channah quoting R’ Yochanan: One may not put a hot pot on new tiles because either …
PROHIBITIONS [33b bottom] Gemarah: We may not kindle a new fire on YomTov because it is “creating” something on the holiday. T’s …
LAVATORIES [33a top] R’ Yehudah describes how to get around the prohibition of building on YomTov (which is normally done from the …