יום א Date: 4 Iyar, 5774 (5/4/14) – Beitzah#35 {Tani}

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[35b bottom] R Zeira quoting R Assi (some say R’ Assi in R’ Yochanan’s name): One may clear away up to four or five boxes of straw or produce on Shabbos because of guests invited home (to have extra seats) or in a study hall (to make extra room for more people to come and learn). [However, this leniency was not permitted on YomTov in order that one not become lax in the Holy Day’s observance.]

T’s lesson: These two Mitzvos (of having guests and learning torah) are so great that the normal prohibition of exerting oneself on Shabbos is pushed off in order to be able to fulfill these two great commandments. We should not think to ourselves that it is too hard to have guests or learn torah. We should be inspired from this Gemarah to see the great value inherent in these two amazing Mitzvos.