יום ב Date: 22 Tishrei, 5776 (10/24/16) – Bava Metzia Daf 28 ~ Tani Guterman
GOODLY GATHERINGS [28b top] Braisa: There was a specific ‘claimant stone’ in Jerusalem to where everyone who lost or found something would …
GOODLY GATHERINGS [28b top] Braisa: There was a specific ‘claimant stone’ in Jerusalem to where everyone who lost or found something would …
SADDLE SIZES [27b middle] Gemarah: People do not usually borrow saddles since they would abrade their donkeys’ skins (due to incorrect sizes). …
HOLY HANDLES [26a top] R’ Ashi: A knife’s ownership is judged based on where the handle is located, and a purse is …
FINICKY FINDERS [25b bottom] Mishnah: If one found objects in a heap of stones or in an old wall, he may keep …
HEEDLESS HANDS [24a top] Mar Zutra the Pious was at a host when a silver cup was stolen from there. Later, he …
APPREHENSIVE AFFIRMATIONS [23b bottom] Gemarah: A man found tar/pitch in his wine press and was told that he could take and keep …
ALWAYS ARGUING [22b middle] Gemarah: The Halachah follows Abaye (when he argues with Rava) in six cases, which are known as יע”ל …
PURSE POCKETS [21b middle] R’ Yitzchak: One habitually touches a purse/pockets to make sure the money inside is secure. Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Although …
ELIYAHU’S EMERGENCE [20a middle] Mishnah: If one found a document belonging to others among his own documents and he does not know …
PROSPECTIVE PRESENTS [19a bottom] Gemarah: A ‘gift document’ is any document in which a clause is written in it stipulating that the …