יום ה Date: 18 Tishrei, 5776 (10/20/16) – Bava Metzia Daf 24 ~ Tani Guterman

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[24a top] Mar Zutra the Pious was at a host when a silver cup was stolen from there. Later, he saw a certain young student wash his hands and dry them on his friend’s garment. Mar Zutra said this individual is precisely the one who had stole the cup [for he reasoned that the student has no consideration for his friend’s property]. When the student was later bound up/confronted, he did in fact confess to the crime.

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: It is important to give proper care and respect to everything around us, especially when items belong to others. Not only does this show that we honor individuals (and creates better interpersonal relationships), but it also reflects a glorification of G-d (when we recognize the roles we are to play within His framework and others see that as well).