יום ג Date: 2 Shevat, 5776 (1/12/16) – Gittin Daf 30 {Tani}
POWERBALL PRATTLE [30b top] R’ Pappa: People say, “If you hear that a friend died, believe it. But if you hear that …
POWERBALL PRATTLE [30b top] R’ Pappa: People say, “If you hear that a friend died, believe it. But if you hear that …
FORTIFIED FORTRESSES [30b bottom] Rashi: A respectable person would never have something forbidden to eat laying around inside his/her house. [Even if …
EARNEST EMBARRASSMENT [29b bottom] R’ Avahu, R’ Chanina bar Pappa, and R’ Yitzchok Nafcha (who together constituted a Rabbinical court) felt embarrassed …
BRASH BORROWING [29a bottom] R’ Yochanan: Even school children know that a borrower may not lend out a borrowed object to someone …
LIBERATION LOOKINGS [28b middle] Gemarah: In a Jewish court (differing from non-Jewish courts), even if someone is sentenced to execution, it is …
WONDERING WORRIERS [28a middle] Rabbah: If we were concerned that a sender would pass away at any moment (after appointing someone to …
PROMPT PERFORMANCE [27b bottom] Gemarah: When a Get was lost and then found again ‘right away,’ there is a debate as to …
PRECIOUS PRESENTS [27a top] Mishnah: If a man found his Get inside a specific “Chafisa” (package)… Rashi [Exodus,Perek16Pasuk13]: The Manna was “packaged” …
MISREPRESENTED MANIFESTATIONS [26b middle] R’ Pappi quoting Rava: A judicial certification which is stamped/written before the witnesses testify about their own signatures …
DISCOMBOBULATING DOCUMENTS [26b top] R’ Shabsai quoting Chizkiyah: Names, places, and dates may not be written in advance to be possibly used …