שבת Date: 28 Teves, 5776 (1/9/16) – Gittin Daf 27 {Eliezer}

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[27a top] Mishnah: If a man found his Get inside a specific “Chafisa” (package)…
Rashi [Exodus,Perek16Pasuk13]: The Manna was “packaged” between two layers of dew (above and below it).
R’ Rosner: This is why we surround the Challahs on Shabbos night both over and under it. This is to make it appear as a present (that is completely wrapped).

D-E-ep Thoughts: All the Mitzvos which Hashem give us to perform are literally “presents.” We should maintain excitement everyday when we perform them, just as if we were opening brand new presents for the first time. An easy example to imagine this during is when we wake up in the morning and reach inside our Tefillin/Tallis bags and pull out and unwrap the glorious gifts with which we can connect even closer to G-d through.