יום ג Date: 7 Elul, 5774 (9/2/14) – MoedKatan#22 {Tani}
For the Great Sages [22b bottom] Gemarah: When a wise person passes away, his Beis Medrash (study hall) stops learning in his …
For the Great Sages [22b bottom] Gemarah: When a wise person passes away, his Beis Medrash (study hall) stops learning in his …
Just a Little Late [21b middle] R’ Meir: One who meets his friend and offers him condolences after 12 months is like …
Respecting Parents [20b middle] Rav Zeira: People do not rip their garments if they hear about the death of a relative (ie: …
Put in a Little Effort [19a middle] Abba Shaul: A festival cancels Shloshim (30-day) mourning after seven days [but the Mishna taught …
PREDETERMINED DESTINY [18b middle] R’ Yehuda quoting Shmuel: Every day a Heavenly voice emanates and declares: the daughter of so and so is …
The Price of BULLYING [17a bottom] Gemarah: There was a bully tormenting a certain young scholar who asked R’ Yosef for advice …
Proper LEARNING [16b top] Rava: Anyone who is engaged in the study of Torah learning from within the confines of the Beis …
Daily GLORY [15a middle] Gemarah: We know that usually a mourner may not wear Tefillin (on the first day) because Hashem had …
Presentable Appearances [14a top] Mishna: The Rabbanan prohibited most people from cutting their hair on Chol Hamoed (intermediary holy days) because they …
To Each His Own [13a top] The Rabbis bring different proofs that transgressing Rabbinic laws do not bring punishments upon descendants (ie: …