יום ו Date: 3 Elul, 5774 (8/29/14) – MoedKatan#18 {Tani}

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[18b middle] R’ Yehuda quoting Shmuel: Every day a Heavenly voice emanates and declares: the daughter of so and so is destined for so and so, and such a field is destined for so and so. Rava happened upon a man praying for a certain woman to marry. Rava told him not to do this because if she was right for him, she will end up with him, and if not, then one might think prayer is G-d forbid ineffective (as it will not work out anyway). The man then switched his request that either he or she should die because he could not handle ever seeing her married to someone else.

T’s Lesson: Everything comes from Hashem, especially a marriage partner. Hashem will always decide who is best for the person, and what situation is best. One should not say “O, man, I wish I could marry so and so” because maybe that is not his/her intended partner! Rather, a person should pray to Hashem to find the intended partner for oneself from Hashem at the right intended time. King Solomon, the wisest of all man, thought would not have to worry about having too many horses [which the Torah warns not to have so as not to ever have to go back to Egypt (to get the greatest horses)]. But the Navi itself testifies to how he had to go back to Egypt to get his horses and how his wives led him astray to idols at the end of his life. No one is “smarter” than or above the Torah, and we must always realize Hashem has it all planned out for us in a sophisticated genius manner.