יום א Date: 5 Elul, 5774 (8/31/14) – MoedKatan#20 {Tani}
Respecting Parents
[20b middle] Rav Zeira: People do not rip their garments if they hear about the death of a relative (ie: a daughter, wife, brother, sister, or son) after the shiva (7 days after a passing) period. However, if one hears the news of the death of a mother or father, one rips garments even after the Shiva period has passed, due to the respect given to one’s parents.
T’s Lesson: One has to take care of their parents even after they pass from this world. A person can honor his/her departed parents by doing things in their memory, such as: learning Torah, donating money or engaging in charitable projects, doing good deeds, or just by being a source of Nachas and making Kiddush Hashems.