יום ד Date: 6 Adar II, 5776 (3/16/16) – Kidushin Daf 5 {Tani}
MONEY MATTERS [5b middle] Gemarah: A man must give money (or something worth money) for betrothal/Kiddushin to take effect. Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Just …
MONEY MATTERS [5b middle] Gemarah: A man must give money (or something worth money) for betrothal/Kiddushin to take effect. Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Just …
CHILDREN’S CHILDREN [4a middle] Gemarah: Grandchildren are considered like children. Prac-T-cal Tidbits: All members of our family should be viewed as equally …
FLOWING FEELINGS [3b bottom] Gemarah: Monetary laws cannot be deduced from penalty payments. Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always be careful to keep …
WOOING WOMEN [2b bottom] R’ Shimon: It is the nature of man to pursue a woman… Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always feel …
FALLING FLIES [90a bottom] Gemarah: Some people spill out cups of wine when flies fall into them, others will remove the flies …
RISKY RUMORS [89b middle] R’ Ashi: Any rumor that has not been established by a Beis Din (court) is not a “recognized …
FORGIVING FURY [88a middle] R’ Yehoshua ben Levi: The land of Israel was not destroyed until seven royal courts performed idolatry in …
EFFECTIVE EPITHETS [87b bottom] Gemarah: If one wrote the husband’s surname and the wife’s surname (or other nicknames) in a Get, the …
LOUSY LIQUIDS [86b bottom] R’ Yochanan to the sons of R’ Chalafta from Huna: If a Kartzis (insect) was found in sheaves, …
MISCONSTRUED MESSAGES [85b bottom] Gemarah: One must be extremely careful when writing a Get, so as to make sure the reading and …