יום ב Date: 22 Adar, 5777 (3/20/17) – Bava Basra Daf 57 ~ Eliezer Guterman
DIGNIFIED DRESS [57b bottom] R’ Ba’naah to R’ Yochanan: The tunic of a Torah scholar should be long enough so that his …
DIGNIFIED DRESS [57b bottom] R’ Ba’naah to R’ Yochanan: The tunic of a Torah scholar should be long enough so that his …
MINUTE MOVEMENTS [53a middle] R’ Assi quoting R’ Yochanan: Even placing or removing a stone which benefits a land is considered a …
SPIRITUAL SHELLS [53b middle] R’ Nachman quoting Rabbah bar Avuha: If there are two (ownerless) houses (of which the inside one can …
LIKELY LENDINGS [52b top] R’ Huna bar Avin: If a person has things that are apt to be lent or rented in …
RIGHTFUL RETURNINGS [52a top] Gemarah: If someone took a deposit from a minor, he should not return it to him [but rather …
SHORTLIST SHOPPING [41b bottom] Rava: It often happens that a person measures land (which shows interest) and does not buy it afterwards …
QUALITATIVE QUESTIONS [41b middle] R’ Kahana asked: “Wasn’t a letter brought from Israel stating that the law does not follow R’ Shimon …
FORCEFUL FRIENDS [40a bottom] Rabbah and R’ Yosef: Witnesses may only write a statement of coercion if the coercer will not listen …
PROPOSING PROPERTIES [40b bottom] Gemarah: A man wished to marry a certain woman, but she would only marry him if he would …
GUSHING GRIEVANCES [39b top] Giddal bar Minyumi lodged a protest (against the occupation of some land of his) in front of R’ …