יום ו Date: 5 Adar, 5777 (3/3/17) – Bava Basra Daf 40 ~ Tani Guterman

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[40a bottom] Rabbah and R’ Yosef: Witnesses may only write a statement of coercion if the coercer will not listen to a court. [If one is being forced to sell property, he may tell two witnesses that he is selling under duress and he really does not want to sell. This will nullify the sale. This also may be written down by the witnesses because of the principle of acting on another’s behalf without being told to do so.]

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always be ready to listen to the proper words of others without needing to be pushed or coerced. Relationships are sure to blossom better when parties perform positively and voluntarily. Forced obligations breed contempt. When we teach our children to serve Hashem, we should reflect positivity, warmth, love and excitement through thanks and appreciation to be able to perform The Almighty’s Mitzvos.