יום ו Date: 16 Iyar, 5774 (5/16/14) – RoshHashana#8 {Tani}
WAITING… [8b top]: Rav Chisda: Bnei Yisroel gets judged first and then the rest of the world does afterwards. Braisa: If the …
WAITING… [8b top]: Rav Chisda: Bnei Yisroel gets judged first and then the rest of the world does afterwards. Braisa: If the …
PRAISE The LORD [8a top] The Gemarah quotes a Pasuk in Tehillim: Animals and valleys sing praises to G-d. Sifsay Chachamim: Wheat …
PREPARATIONS [7a bottom] Gemarah: We do not add a month (to create a leap year) once Purim has already passed. Thirty days …
POTHOLES [7a bottom]: Gemarah: We do not add a month (to create a leap year) once Purim has already passed. Thirty days …
HESITATIONS [6a bottom] Braisa: When discussing vows, the extra word of “Bificha” comes to includes Tzedakah (‘charity’). Rava explains there is a …
FORCEFUL GIVING [6a middle] Braisa: Beis Din (Jewish court) forces one to pay for vowed sacrifices and Tzedakah. Ritva & Tosephos: Why …
SHOT-CLOCKS [5a bottom] Gemarah: The Pesach offering has a set time to be brought within, and if that time is missed it …
SLEEPOVERS [5a top] Gemarah: There is a specific Mitzvah/requirement of Linah (to sleep-over the next night) after the bringing of an offering …
MOTIVATIONS [4a top] Gemarah: If a Jew acts from a selfish motivation, he is still considered a righteous person (because he still …
INSIDES COUNT [4a top] Gemarah: If a Jew acts from a selfish motivation, he is still considered a righteous person (because he …