יום ד Date: 14 Iyar, 5774 (5/14/14) – RoshHashana#6 {Eliezer}

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[6a middle] Braisa: Beis Din (Jewish court) forces one to pay for vowed sacrifices and Tzedakah.
Ritva & Tosephos: Why does B”D din force one to pay Tzedakah? [GM’ Chulin: when a reward is written next to a commandment in the Torah, B”D specifically does not interfere, the person just misses out on reward, and that becomes the punishment.] Tzedakah is a “Shibud” because it is like money in borrowed hands. Hashem gives it to us and we become His watchers/messengers to deliver the money to poor people. Therefore, The Tzedakah is not really even ours to begin with! That is why B”D is entitled to make sure the money is properly allocated. (see previous Lesson on Sukkah Daf#55 for more…)

E’s Lesson: When there is a job to be done, we should not wait for other people (ie: B”D) to ensure it gets completed. We should always be a people of swift action and take responsibility where we are able to make a difference. Responsibility should never be shirked, “Im Ein Ani Li, Mi Li?” [If I am not for myself, then who will be?]