יום ו Date: 16 Iyar, 5774 (5/16/14) – RoshHashana#8 {Tani}

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[8b top]: Rav Chisda: Bnei Yisroel gets judged first and then the rest of the world does afterwards. Braisa: If the king and the community need to be judged about something, the King goes first. It is not proper manners to make a King wait until everyone else is judged.

T’s lesson: Remember to take this lesson to heart for everyday matters in serving Hashem. We should not eat or drink or do anything in the morning before serving Hashem. It is not Derech Eretz (proper manners) to keep Hashem, the King of all kings waiting. We should not delay Davening or learning due go frivolity or mundane matters at shul time. Hashem is waiting…