יום ד Date: 17 Shevat, 5776 (1/27/16) – Gittin Daf 45 {Tani}
CHEAPENING CHATTER [45b bottom] Abaye offered an arab woman some small dates in exchange for a small bag of Tefillin. She became …
CHEAPENING CHATTER [45b bottom] Abaye offered an arab woman some small dates in exchange for a small bag of Tefillin. She became …
BIRD BABBLE [45a bottom] R’ Ilish, while in jail, was told by a man listening to the ravens and doves that the …
FORCEFUL FLEEING [44b bottom] Mishnah: One may not force any member of his household to leave Israel with him. Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We …
IDOLATROUS IDLING [44a middle] Gemarah: If one sold his slave to a Ger Toshav, the slave goes free. Rashi: A Ger Toshav …
WOBBLING WORDS [43a bottom] Rabbah bar R’ Huna: The verse in Yeshaya, “And this (Torah) stumbling block is under your hand,” teaches …
POWERFUL PLUMMETING [43a bottom] Rabbah bar R’ Huna: The verse in Yeshaya, “And this stumbling block is under your hand.” D-E-ep Thoughts: …
THWACKING TEETH [42b middle] Braisa: If a master knocked out his slave’s tooth and then blinded his eye, the slave goes out …
TIMELESS TOWERS [42a bottom] Gemarah: If a master calls his servant a “slave” while attempting to free him, it still works to …
NAMING NETWORKS [41a middle] Ami, “the pleasingly handsome,” quoting R’ Yochanan: A creditor cannot collect from a debtor’s other property if the …
DARTING DESTINY [41b top] Tosephos: The Gemarah used the verse of “G-d formed it (the world) to be inhabited,” rather than just …