יום א Date: 14 Shevat, 5776 (1/24/16) – Gittin Daf 42 {Tani}
[42b middle] Braisa: If a master knocked out his slave’s tooth and then blinded his eye, the slave goes out free (due to the loss of his tooth) and then the former master must pay the slave the value of his lost eye (as he is now a free man).
Prac-T-cal Tidbits: Our arrangements and timings matter greatly in many things that we do. Just as in much physical work, there are items that must be assembled in proper order to function properly, so too must we be careful in our spiritual ordering as well [ie: the order of putting on our Tefillin, picking up the four species on Sukkos, or even cutting our nails]. We should always be cautious and aware of putting our items and actions in proper order.