יום ד Date: 28 Iyar, 5774 (5/28/14) – RoshHashana#20 {Tani}
Our SPECIAL Land [20a middle] Gemarah: There are two reasons to add an extra day to the month of Elul: to keep …
Our SPECIAL Land [20a middle] Gemarah: There are two reasons to add an extra day to the month of Elul: to keep …
The PROCESS [20a top] Gemarah: There is a specific Mitzvah to sanctify the new month based on witnesses’ visualization of the moon. …
MITZVAH POWER [19a middle] Rav Tovi bar Masnah [quoting Megillas Taanis]: The Romans decreed against the Jews not to learn torah, not …
HOLE-Y [19a bottom] Braisa: A glass vessel may only be purified by rendering it unusable; ie: by making a HOLE in it. …
SHREDDER [18a middle] Rabbah and Abaye both descended from Aili Hakohen‘s family. Although members of the Aili Hakohen family usually lived very …
PEOPLE POWER [18 bottom]: R’ Shmuel bar Inya quoting Rav: A decree of the public is never sealed. An individual’s sealed decree …
REVENGE [17a bottom] Rava: One who holds back from exacting vengeance on those who deserve it, Hashem will hold back on exacting …
GRACIOUS SUFFERINGS [17a middle] GM’ discusses how after specific people pass from this world they go to Gehenom first. Many Rishonim explain …
TEARING TIME [16b top] Rav Yitzchak: Four things cause an unfavorable decree against a person to be torn up: Tzedakah (a verse …
TESHUVA POWER [16b top] Rav Yitzchak: Four things cause an unfavorable decree against a person to be torn up: Tzedakah (a verse …