שבת Date: 24 Iyar, 5774 (5/24/14) – RoshHashana#16 {Tani}
[16b top] Rav Yitzchak: Four things cause an unfavorable decree against a person to be torn up: Tzedakah (a verse says charity saves one from death), Crying out (the people of Ninveh were saved from death by doing Praying), changing ones Name (when Sarah’s name changed she had a son), and changing your Place (when Avraham moved to Israel he had a son). [Some also say the power of Israel itself allowed Avraham and Sarah to have a son.]
T’s lesson: There are many ways for us to do Teshuva and change a decree against us. When one is sick he/she changes a name (many times by adding a name: “Life”). When one moves, especially to Israel, his Mazal (good flow/”luck”) may change for the better as well. We should always daven and give charity so as to merit the best judgements possible.