יום ג Date: 29 Nissan, 5774 (4/29/14) – Beitzah#30 {Tani}
WISE REBUKE [30a middle] Abaye: It is better for Jews [who will not change their ways] to err unintentionally, rather than to …
WISE REBUKE [30a middle] Abaye: It is better for Jews [who will not change their ways] to err unintentionally, rather than to …
PENNIES [29a bottom] Abba Shaul collected remnants of wine and oil that were leftover barrels from previous sales, and the sages told …
ToEachHisOwn [28b top] R’ Nehemiah and Abaye each saw their respective teacher rubbing a knife over a surface and asked their teacher …
CONTROL [27a top] Abaye: Things completed by human hands (ie: cooking food on a stove) may be kept in mind [and are …
ANIMAL-LOVERS [26a top] Gemarah: If a Bechor (first-born) animal falls into a pit, the owner may worry about “tsaar baalei chayim” (causing …
PROPER MANNERS [25a bottom] Rami bar Abbah explained that the Torah requires skinning and dismembering for an Olah offering, which is the …
ORIGINS [24a bottom] Gemarah: An object of timely questionable preparation is prohibited to be used on YomTov because it may have been …
SCENTS [23a top] Rabbah and R’ Yosef: Creating a new fragrance on YomTov is prohibited, but enhancing the smell on YomTov is …
SAVIORS [22a middle]: Abaye: Is one permitted to extinguish a fire on YomTov to avoid a financial loss? [A danger to lives …
EatToLive [21a top]: R’ Avya asked R’ Huna how a jointly owned animal (of a Jew and non-Jew) is different than a …