יום א Date: 20 Nissan, 5774 (4/20/14) – Beitzah#21 {Tani}

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[21a top]: R’ Avya asked R’ Huna how a jointly owned animal (of a Jew and non-Jew) is different than a vowed/donated sacrifice (because both have “joint partners” the owner and Hashem). R’ Huna avoided answering the question at the time, because he felt ill and needed to eat before answering the question.

T’s lesson: We should not disregard our bodily requirements when attending to our spiritual needs. The two go hand in hand, as our Neshamos (souls) are intertwined with our bodies. Pirkei Avos: “im ein kemach, ein torah” (if there is no flour there is no torah). Flour alludes to food, sustenance, and monetary needs that should all be met along to enhance the spiritual.