יום ג Date: 22 Nissan, 5774 (4/22/14) – Beitzah#23 {Tani}
[23a top] Rabbah and R’ Yosef: Creating a new fragrance on YomTov is prohibited, but enhancing the smell on YomTov is allowed.
T’s Lesson#1: We should be careful to distinguish between the different actions we perform to enhance the holiday. Although we may want the house to smell inviting, we should not create a smell, but allow the existing ones to permeate throughout. We should infuse our homes with pleasant peace, sweet scents, and perfumed purity.
[23a middle] The Rabbis teach that one may not use a metal comb with thin spikes on an animal’s hair on YomTov (because it may make a wound), but one may use a larger, thicker wooden one.
T’s lesson#2: We should be careful with and courteous to all of Hashem’s creations (even ones we use for meat). We should always act with proper dignity, respect, and care. When we learn to fine tune our characteristics with animals, we can be sure to appropriately apply them even more so to our fellow men/women as well.
[23a bottom] The Rabbis taught: Something which is not intended is never-the-less prohibited.
T’s lesson#3: We should be extra careful in our actions to avoid even doing things carelessly because someone may get hurt (either ourselves, others or both). We must especially be careful of the words we use, as Lashon Hara (evil speech) is an extremely easy trap to fall into.