יום ו Date: 17 Elul, 5774 (9/12/14) – Chagigah#4 {Tani}
Reaching Potentials [4b middle] R’ Elazar used to weep every time he recited the verse “but his brothers could not answer him …
Reaching Potentials [4b middle] R’ Elazar used to weep every time he recited the verse “but his brothers could not answer him …
Child’s Play [3a bottom] R’ Elazar ben Azaryah: Regarding Hakhel (gathering the nation to hear the Torah from the king reading Devarim …
To Inhabit the World [2b top] Ravina and the Mishnah argue if a half-slave, half-free man is obligated in the Mitzvah of …
Rough or Nice? [29a top] R’ Chanina: Death is as severe as knotted ropes being pulled through a hole. R’ Yochanan: Death …
Wait For It [28b bottom] R’ Yochanan: Those who come to console a mourner are not allowed to speak until the mourner …
Feeling for the Poor [27a bottom] Gemarah: Originally when food was delivered to a mourner, the rich would deliver food in baskets …
Muddling Minds [26b bottom] The Rabbis: One should not inform an ill person that a relative has died, as we do not …
Surfaces for Holiness [25a middle] R’ Tachlifa: R’ Huna once wanted to sit on a bed that had a Torah on it, but …
Whose NAME is it Anyway? [24b bottom] R’ Ami (in Israel) and R’ Sheishess (in Bavel) were upset when a sage in …
Caring for the Deceased [23a middle] The Rabbis: A mourner the first week – does not go out of the door of …