יום א Date: 26 Adar I, 5776 (3/6/16) – Gittin Daf 84 {Tani}
PRICKLY PRODS [84a middle] Gemarah: If a man made a vow/condition to keep himself awake all day, he may indeed fulfill it …
PRICKLY PRODS [84a middle] Gemarah: If a man made a vow/condition to keep himself awake all day, he may indeed fulfill it …
EXTENDED EXPRESSIONS [83b bottom] R’ Elazar learned a law from the fact that the torah uses the longer word of “כריתות ” …
ATTEMPTING ANSWERS [82b middle] R’ Abba inquired a question, but then resolved his own query after asking. Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always …
ADVANCED ANCIENTS [81a middle] Rabbah bar Bar-Chanah quoting R’ Yochanan quoting R’ Yehudah bar Ilai: The later generations are nothing like the …
DISCREDITABLE DOMINIONS [80a top] Gemarah: The Mishnah calls the Roman empire the “unworthy kingdom,” because they have neither an alphabet nor a …
BINDING BOXES [79b top] Abaye: A man owns an outer box and his wife owns an inner box within his. When the …
DOGGIE DISRUPTIONS [78b top] R’ Eliezer: If a Get is closer to a wife than her husband (after he threw it to …
REMORSEFUL RECKONINGS [77b middle] Rava was embarrassed because he seemingly ruled incorrectly [regarding a dying man who wanted to find a way …
PERMEATING PEACE [76b middle] Gemarah: A husband may make peace with his wife during a visit and nullify a Get he previously …
PRODUCING POSITIVITY [75b top] Gemarah: A person will not advance his own misfortune. Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always try to think in …