יום ג Date: 21 Adar I, 5776 (3/1/16) – Gittin Daf 79 {Tani}

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[79b top] Abaye: A man owns an outer box and his wife owns an inner box within his. When the husband throws a Get inside of them, even when it reaches the airspace of the inner box, she is not considered divorced (because a vessel is not deemed functional by its airspace, but rather only by what it holds and is able to contain). But, if the containers had no bottoms [and her box would not be considered “held”/consumed within his (and the land under her box is considered her space)], when the Get lands, the divorce would be valid.

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: While serving Hashem, we should never “box ourselves in.” Whenever people envision set titles or limitations, they are putting caps on their potentials [ie: “I can only be a garbage man…”]. Just as Hashem is infinite in all ways, by learning Torah and doing Mitzvos, we are able to strengthen our connections to Him and are then gain unimaginable wisdom and power. Our hearts, minds, and souls should always be living “outside the box.”