יום א Date: 16 Shevat, 5777 (2/12/17) – Bava Basra Daf 21 ~ Eliezer Guterman
MINOR MEMORIES [21a bottom] R’ Dimi of Nehardea: Once someone learns something while young with a mistake, it is hard to undo. …
MINOR MEMORIES [21a bottom] R’ Dimi of Nehardea: Once someone learns something while young with a mistake, it is hard to undo. …
ABSENT APERTURES [20a top] Gemarah: Many different items, including (worn out) Torah scrolls (which will not be moved to use for reading …
REPAIRING RECEPTACLES [20a top] Gemarah: An earthenware Kli (vessel) only contracts Tumah (impurity) from inside its airspace, whereas a metal Kli will …
GENERATING GENEALOGY [15a top] R’ Yehudah quoting Rav: Ezra the scribe did not ascend from Babylonia to Israel until he traced his …
FRIENDLY FACTORS [15b top] Braisa: Iyov had four friends: Elifaz, Bildad, Tzofar, and Elihu. R’ Rosner quoting R’ Chaim Shmuelevitz: The Satan …
SPECIAL SCROLLS [14a middle] R’ Huna wrote seventy Torah scrolls during his lifetime and only once achieved the preferred measurements [of its …
BROKEN BITS [14b top] Gemarah: All agree (while using different sources) that the broken fragments from the first Luchos (Tablets) were also …
TIGHT TUGGINGS [13a bottom] Beis Hillel agrees with Beis Shammai: If someone is half slave and half free-man (he was jointly owned …
CHERISHED CHAINS [13a bottom] Beis Hillel agrees with Beis Shammai: If someone is half slave and half free-man (he was jointly owned …
MENTAL MINORS [12b bottom] R’ Yochanan: Since the Temple was destroyed, prophecy was taken from the prophets and given to the fools/deranged …