יום ד Date: 24 Av, 5774 (8/20/14) – MoedKatan#9 {Tani}

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[9a bottom] (R’ Shimon ben Yochai’s son heard) R’ Yonasan ben Asmai and R’ Yehudah ben Geirim discussing: One verse states to analyze Mitzvos [Rashi: which ones are bigger vs. smaller and do the greater ones], and another verse says just to do the one immediately present at a moment in time (without analyzing its value). Therefore, if OTHERS are able to do the smaller good deeds, one should take on the greater one him/herself, but if only one individual is available, the most immediate Mitzvah should be addressed.

T’s Lesson: Many times we leave over actions for others to take care of when we should really do them ourselves. “Why should I do it? I’m sure someone else will!” All too often, the end result may very well be that no one does it. Especially when it comes to Mitzvos that people feel are “beneath their dignity,” (ie: a dirty Mitzvah like burying the dead) we should remember that if great sages do it, how much more so should we.