יום ב Date: 22 Av, 5774 (8/18/14) – MoedKatan#7 {Eliezer}
[7b bottom] Mishna: The Chachamim say that once a Kohen sees a questionable Tzaraas affliction, he must rule one way or the other (either declaring it pure or impure), he may not just remain silent about it to delay possible problems.
E’s Lesson: Many times in life we encounter difficult issues. Sometimes, it seems easier just to push off the burden and not think about it in the present moment. However, even if dealing with it does not bring about “positive” results, we must face our tests (which are all brought from Hashem) head on. We must remember not to “avoid issues” and pray for G-d’s help throughout all our lives (and not just in the challenging times).