יום א Date: 21 Av, 5774 (8/17/14) – MoedKatan#6 {Tani}

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Markers in Space

[6a middle] R’ Assi: If one, two, or three boundary strips of a field are marked for Tumah (impurity), just those areas are classified as impure but the rest of the field is Tahor (pure). But, if four are marked, the markers are Tahor and the entire field they surround becomes Tamei [because we do not distance a marker far from the location of the Tumah so as not to waste any land in Israel (and have some Pure land be deemed unusable as either questionable or impure)].

T’s Lesson: The land of Israel is extremely Holy and we should never take it for granted. Every inch of it has Hahsem’s presence and even just walking four amos inside of it is a Mitzvah. We should all merit to live in Israel speedily in our days with the coming of Moshiach.