יום ה Date: 18 Av, 5774 (8/14/14) – MoedKatan#3 {Tani}
Appreciating Elders
[3b bottom] R’ Zeira says to R’ Abahu (or Reish Lakish to R’ Yochanan): How could Rabban Gamliel’s court annul an enactment of Beis Shammai and Beis Hillel’s court, when we know that a later court cannot overrule decrees of earlier courts unless the later courts are greater in wisdom and number (which was not the case here)? Actually, the earlier courts stipulated at that time that later courts can nullify this particular decree if a need arose.
T’s Lesson: We are required to respect those who came before us. Our ancient Torah scholars have paved the way for us by making the route for us to travel on to serve Hashem best. We should always be grateful to our previous great sages who allowed us to practice Torah the way we do each and every day.