יום ד Date: 17 Av, 5774 (8/13/14) – MoedKatan#2 {Tani}
Varying Viewpoints
[2b top] Rabbah and R’ Yosef argue as to what weeding and watering should be compared to. Rabbah explains that the normal manner of plowing is to soften the earth, and weeding and watering also soften the earth. R’ Yosef explains that just as the normal manner of sowing promotes growth of produce, so too weeding and watering promote the growth of produce.
T’s Lesson: There are many different facets to the Torah. Many times when people disagree, they think that they are right and everyone else is wrong. A Gemarah elsewhere taught that Beis Hillel and Beis Shammai disagree a lot but both have good ideas and both opinions are, “Words of G-d.” We should always try to see and respect each others’ points of view, especially those related to Torah.