יום ו Date: 8 Sivan, 5774 (6/6/14) – RoshHashana#29 {Tani}
“Who’s Got the POWER?”
[29a middle] Mishna: When Moshe would hold up his hands up during the war with Amalek the Bnei Yisroel would be victorious. When his hands were down, the Jews would lose. So too when the Jews looked up at the copper snake they would be healed from illnesses and if not, they would not.
Do hands or serpents cause healing and victories? Certainly not! Rather when the Jews would gaze upward and subjugate their hearts and Daven to Hashem, He would help.
T’s lesson: Many times we put faith and power in things that really are pawns in Hashem’s hands. A doctor, lawyer, businessman, etc… who helps heal us or vindicates us does not have the power unless Hashem allows it. We must only turn to Hashem. We go through the motions but remember to put faith and belief in the only being that can help us; that is Hashem.