יום ה Date: 7 Sivan, 5774 (6/5/14) – RoshHashana#28 {Eliezer}
[28a middle] Rava: Mitzvos were not given to derive benefit from.
Rashi: The commandments are supposed to be ‘Yokes on our necks.’
Ritva: In actuality, we surely get credit and benefit from Mitzvos, but not in THIS world.
Chidushei Ha’rin: But we DO feel a sense of physical joy and accomplishment when a Mitzvah is completed?! The truth is that we are never DONE and always have more to do and accomplish [and must keep this on the forefronts of our minds].
E’s Lesson#1: We must never become complacent with ourselves. We may use our successes to fuel us further but never to gloat nor demand praise. We have an infinite potential and must strive every day to maximize and actualize our ultimate purpose. We may be amazing and flying high, but how close are we to being the next Moshe or Moshiach?
Think it… Will it… Do it!
Eglay Tal: Torah learning is the one exception to the benefit rule. Hashem’s Torah must be learned with a sense of joy and fulfillment. This is the true way of learning for its own inherent sake (Lishma). If we robotically read or lullingly listen, we are not practicing properly at all!
E’s Lesson #2: [quoting R’ Klein] There is a smorgasbord of delicacies in the world of Torah. We each must find what is exquisitely tasty and delightful to our palate. Find what calls out to each of us [be it Dikduk, Torah, Prophets, Gematrias or even Kabbalah], embrace G-d’s teachings while infusing them into our souls, and spread it for others to receive in our unique ways as well.